Saturday, 22 September 2012

Oh how awful-l didn't proof read my last post & it was FULL of errors.
Anyway the main gist of it was that we're very happy coming up 2 our
first birthday! It has exceeded our expectations by far. Most people have been very supportive. There's a huge variety of retro,industria,china,
glassware,vintage clothing, ephemera & SO much more.
We open 10am-5pm 7 days a week & off-street parking available with
a coffee shop open weekends.

Over the top

It really is over the top how popular this place has become over the past 10 months. For those who haven't been here 4 a while u'l b amazed at how full we are.
There's many unusual items such as a foetal piglet in a jar! There's something 4 everyone. We have off street parking & a coffee shop open on weekends only at present-hopefully it'l b full time soon.